Welcome to the seventh issue of The Daily Meditator ✌🏾This is your monthly resource for fun, quirky, interesting, and noteworthy happenings in and around the worldwide meditation community—created by Bliss More author and daily meditator Light Watkins. Guest edited by Kristen Vandivier.
Our intention is simple: to broaden the horizon of what a daily meditator looks like while providing you with more inspiration for committing to your daily practice.
In this issue: we explore how police forces are adding meditation to their toolbox, we take a look at what's coming in the wide world of wellness in 2020, the importance of meditation in sports, and some fun statistics about how people are using meditation these days. Enjoy, and if you feel charmed, please share with your circle. As always, sending you a big "Namaste," "Sat Nam," or "Jai Guru Deva" wherever you are in the world.
Policing the mind with meditation
Some police departments are now aiming to keep the peace within.
According to The Guardian, Meditation lessons aimed at reducing stress will be made available to all 200,000 police staff in England and Wales after a trial across five forces found the practice improved average wellbeing, life satisfaction, resilience and work performance. The staff were divided into two groups, one using Headspace, and the other using Mindfit Cop, a new police-focused course. A third group was asked not to use any mindfulness techniques. The researchers found that the first two groups recorded “meaningful improvements” in wellbeing as well as life satisfaction and resilience, as compared with the control group. There have been similar trials among police and armed forces in the US suggesting the practice has positive effects.
Bottom line: If you stay peaceful, you don't have to work hard to get peaceful.
The top mind-blowing statistics about meditation
Meditation by the numbers:
In 2017, 14.2% of US adults said that they’d meditated in the past 12 months.
Meditation improved anxiety levels 60% of the time.
Meditation can reduce the risk of being hospitalized for coronary disease by 87%.
Meditation relieves the symptoms of insomnia 75% of the time.
Meditation can increase employees’ productivity by 120%.
Meditation can reduce PMS symptoms by 57%.
There’s a greater number of women who meditate than men.
Adults aged 45–64 are the most likely to use meditation.
(Statistics cited from https://disturbmenot.co)
Bottom Line: Go back and re-read that statistic about insomnia. If you have insomnia and you haven't become a daily meditator, what are you doing?
The biggest wellness trends for 2020
Get ready for more CBD in everything...
According to Harper's Bazaar, the biggest wellness trends for 2020 have been revealed and, if the results generated from Google trend searches are to be believed, we'll be looking increasingly towards technology and personal experiences to improve our physical and mental wellbeing next year. Here's what the search results say:
CBD Skincare: 367% increase in Google searches
CBD (cannabidiol), which is now available in drops and in edible form, is being used more and more to treat acne and other skin issues. We think CBD is awesome, but to sustain your health, you still need to drink more water, get quality rest, and think about quitting that job you hate.
Sound Bath Healing: 285% increase in searches
Take a bath in sounds that are produced by crystal bowls or instruments tuned to specific frequencies. These frequencies are said to trigger certain areas in the brain which help you relax and release tension. And if you can't find a local sound bath, try the app store. They're surely on there.
Virtual Wellness: 242% increase in searches
There is a rising search for 'remote wellness', away from traditional studios or sessions. Cycling, HIIT workouts, yoga, and meditating are all available on multiple online platforms and apps, so you can stay mentally and physically fit virtually wherever you are.
Breathwork: 219% increase in searches
Studies have shown that practicing just 25 minutes of breathing techniques can calm the mind, improve cognitive function and boost energy levels. And now, the app market is providing breathwork options for those looking to tap into the power of the inhale and exhale, or find a breathwork practitioner in your area.
Wellness Retreats: 182% increase in searches
Meditation retreat anyone? No longer seen as an option for the monk-curious, wellness retreats are becoming more popular for busy urban professionals who are looking to take time away from their daily (stress-inducing) routine. And it often means an alcohol-free itinerary and digital detox.
Bottom line: If you’re in need of a reboot, get started now so when 2020 rolls around you’ll be going strong.
4 reasons why every athlete should meditate
On your mark. Get set. Meditate.
Few people expose their mind and body to stress like professional athletes and those who aspire to become pros one day. Here are four reasons why every athlete should meditate (this was inspired by a Headspace blog post about the same subject):
It takes the edge off after intense performance. Stress reduction is vital for resetting your mind and body for optimum performance. Multiple studies show that meditation effectively reduces stress hormones, which are key to reducing stress in the body. By consistently practicing meditation, your body will learn how to relax in stressful situations, which means you can access "the zone" a lot easier.
New and improved sleep. Rest is huge when it comes to recovery, and sleep is the body's primary opportunity to get high-quality rest. For athletes, nighttime sleep is like the Super Bowl for recovery. If you can super-size your sleep rest with meditation, you can speed up recovery times.
Enhanced endurance. By practicing some meditation styles, athletes have been shown to increase their endurance. In other words, they can train their bodies to work harder and for longer periods of time in training and competition.
Improved sense of the present moment. Usually, mistakes are a byproduct of being anywhere but in the moment. And meditation helps athletes make less mental mistakes by helping them stay rooted in the present moment more often than not.
Bottom line: If your job involves doing something athletic with a ball, you want to make sure you're hitting the cushion at least once a day.
Dentists are now using meditation to calm patients down
"Oh, I can't wait to go to the dentist!" — Said no one ever.
Okay, by a show of hands, who brushes their teeth before visiting the dentist? We do too! But now, you may want to add meditation to your pre-visit routine. Because apparently, gagging during dental visits is a thing. One study showed that half of all patients experience the gag reflex at least once during a dental procedure.
While there are physiological variations of the throat that make some more prone to gagging, anxiety also plays a role (no surprise there), which is why some of the more progressive dentists are experimenting with mindfulness meditation techniques as a means of creating a more relaxing in-chair experience for their patients. There are no studies to prove the correlation (yet), but that’s not stopping dentists from making the reasonable hypothesis that if dental anxiety increases the chances of gagging, then meditation should help to reduce those chances.
Bottom line: If you’re prone to gagging, make sure your pre-visit routine includes sitting with eyes closed for 15 minutes.
Should I stop meditating to write down a good idea?
Why it's not a good idea to stop meditating to write down your good idea.
Meditation is notoriously amazing for generating great ideas—hence the saying, "Go meditate on it." But when the ideas come, is it a good idea to stop meditating to write them down? We say "no." The reason being, if you get into the habit of stopping your meditation to jot down every idea you think is a winner, you’ll diminish the overall effect of the meditation, which needs consistency and structure. Besides, some of these so-called good ideas that you don't want to forget need more time to gestate. And if it gets to a point where you can easily recall it outside of meditation, then you know the idea is ripe for action. Otherwise, feeling the need to write it down is a sign that it's not yet ripe enough or that it’s still developing, and doing something about it before it’s ripe can lead to bitter results, like eating an unripe banana.
Bottom line: If you think you won't remember an idea you have in meditation, let it pass and trust that it will return to you when it's good and ready.
Read: Shamanic Keys to Reclaim Your Personal Power, Transform Yourself, and Light Up the World
Our friend, Shaman Durek, a sixth-generation shaman, shares his life-altering shamanic keys allowing you to tap into your personal power. Through new information, you will banish fear and darkness from your life in favor of light, positivity, and strength. Read now
Watch: The Portal
The Portal is the brainchild of meditation teacher Tom Cronin and ex-DJ Jacqui Fifer. They collaborated on this film about the powers of "entering the portal" to the inner world (via meditation) and it left us so inspired that we happily tell any- and everyone who will listen to go see this film immediately. And what's cool is you can also organize your own screening as well here. Find a screening near you
Listen: Jack Kornfield on the Tim Ferriss Podcast
We love podcasts, and we know you do too. Well, have you heard the Tim Ferriss - Jack Kornfield podcast episode. It's an instant classic. If you who don't know who Jack Kornfield is, he's one of the OGs of meditation and you'll get to hear his fascinating perspective on the application of meditation in modern life. Listen now
What have you gotten from meditation? I’ve learned to access my own truth, find my own answers, and connect with my bliss. It is in slowing down that I create my big ideas, and in silence I hear my heart’s guidance.
Strangest meditation moment? I've found my [Vedic meditation] mantra to be very calming, soothing, and empowering, especially during challenging times. I also enjoy playing with my mantra with different pronunciations and tempos—it helps me really embrace and utilize it.
Most unexpected benefit of meditation? Not sure it is unexpected, but the greatest benefit is to be able to organize my thoughts, and download even bigger thoughts. For me, meditation happens in different forms—sometimes with music, sometimes in silence. Sometimes short, sometimes for awhile—but always powerful.
Two of our favorite daily meditator Instagram accounts with a purpose
Own Your Glow
Two sisters (not twins) from The Netherlands were diagnosed with chronic pain and prescribed heavy doses medication in their 20's. Mwanini was told she had Lymes disease and her sister Ngudju was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). They decided that medication wasn’t an option and took matters into their own hands by researching natural options for healing their bodies, which lead one to yoga and nutrition and the other to self-love practices and meditation.
The sisters decided to combine their powers in order to inspire more people to find inner-love, eat healthier and practice more yoga and meditation. Through their @OwnYourGlow IG account, they share stories and experiences of finding their inner glow, so they can help others find their own glow and start shining from the inside out. There, you can also access a free cookbook, beginner yoga guide, and a digital journal to get you started on your journey. Follow them here
Shawn Stevenson is an author, speaker, and the creator and host of The Model Health Show podcast. Early in life, he was diagnosed with an incurable disease and told there was nothing he could do about it. After two years of taking the prescribed medication, eating junk, gaining weight, and giving up on his health, he was inspired to take his health into his own hands, and within nine months of changing his lifestyle, he completely healed himself. This inspired him to help others do the same thing. He's written a best-selling book called Sleep Smarter, and every week for the past few years he's been releasing a new “masterclass” podcast episode where he dives deeply into a wide range of health-related topics. The Model Health Show is repeatedly ranked as the number one podcast in health and fitness, probably because Shawn goes beyond the books and uncovers the very best health information in the world. And he does it with style, fun, and lots of heart! Follow him here
“Ideas are like fish. If you want to catch little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. Down deep, the fish are more powerful and more pure. They’re huge and abstract. And they’re very beautiful.”
David Lynch
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